Last seen: January 14, 2025 7:32 pm
Hi, this code is not the same as the one you had when donated, or you pasted the wrong one. I just changed your code for this one so now you should ...
Sure - changed. Cheers
OK I just changed your code - found your old one in your other post.
Hi, just tell me your old code, or donation email so I can find your info and old code and I will replace it with the new one. Cheers
Found you by your account email. Changed your code, should be unlocked again. Cheers
Yes, on the first page under Tweaks.
I am aware that some of you have those problems sadly. Im still trying to fix it. Please wait a bit more till I find a solution.It's a bit harder to f...
Drivetrain override (and gears, cylinders) is not in CarType editor anymore since version 0.7, that's why these options are disabled. It's not because...
True, thanks for reporting. I didn't check if it works for modded vehicles, only stock ones. Ill add/fix it asap. 🙂
Hi !New computer, could you please update my code ?Old code 149725478New code 8146205Thanks a lot !Done.
Hi Scorpy, I changed Windows 10 and my activation code is gone, can you unlock a new code?My donation code on my old windows10: 3404083708My donation ...
Hello. I have a new computer.Payment ID 4TW75312U5694063M dated April 28, 2020 2 EUR. My current code is 469873271Okay, unlocked again. Cheers!
Thank you very much for your generous donation!
Hello, new tweaker for 0.7 is about 90% ready. All major functions are working. Just need to make it all compatible with previous versions and sort ou...
Hello Scorpy, I already made a donation to you and you unlocked it, but today I have a new windows 10 and I can't unlock it.Strange... 😕 why does un...
Hello, I have donated to you before and you unlocked it but today I got a new computer and I can't unlock it. Can you help me please? Best regards..Ed...
Thank you! You are now unlocked.
2192756171 Should work now.
Changed your code. It should work now. Cheers